Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions
from left to right: Stein van Oosteren (Attache Permanent Delegation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to UNESCO), Bernardo Aliaga (UNESCO secretariat in Paris), Paul Martens vice-chairperson ICG regional tsunami group
Mr. Paul Martens was elected to the vice-chair position on the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions.
One of the mechanisms of UNESCO is the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC/UNESCO). After the tsunami disaster in Southeast Asia in 2004, the IOC installed regional working groups under the name of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group (ICG). In 2012, St. Maarten joined the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (ICG/CARIBE EWS) as a member state. The ICG is a technical commission that discusses tsunami preparations in the region, as well as assists the members in this field. Every member state in ICG/CARIBE EWS has a focal point who functions as the Tsunami National Contact (TNC) and sits on behalf of his or her country in the ICG.
The Sint Maarten National Commission for UNESCO would like to congratulate Mr. Paul Martens on his election to the vice-chair position on the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions. We know he will represent us well!